5 tips to ace your recall

If you’re coming to a recall at Peer or for a drama school or for a job here are 5 tips to help you to get the outcome you want.

1. Be open

We are looking for actors who are open to trying new things. Listen to what is being asked of you and do your best to interpret the instructions.

2. Be playful

We are looking for actors who can work playfully with others. Throw yourself in to games and exercises and be giving and responsive to the other actors in the room.

3. Be playful

We are looking for actors who can work playfully with others. Throw yourself in to games and exercises and be giving and responsive to the other actors in the room.

4. Be kind

We are looking for actors who will work brilliantly as part of an ensemble & will be supportive of their fellow creatives. We’re also looking for people who will show compassion to less able and more vulnerable people who they will encounter as part of their time working at Peer.

5. Be yourself

We are looking for actors who embrace their unique individuality. We want to see you! Be authentic. Yes - immerse yourself completely in your character when performing your monologue but, in the workshop and interview, please don’t feel like you have to pretend to be anyone other than yourself.

Break a leg. We can’t wait to meet you.

If you haven’t taken the plunge and submitted your application apply now.


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